
Thursday is Thanksgiving and I have the task of smoking the turkey and the briskets. I picked up the meat this morning and put it in the fridge.
Smoking the food takes time and I need to plan ahead to make sure it’s ready on time. The meat needs to be done at 2:30 PM on Thursday so we can hit the road and be at my parent’s house around 3:30 PM.
I just so happen to be learning to use Microsoft Project at work and came up with this:

So, it looks like I’ll be up in the wee hours before Thanksgiving to get everything in order. I hope my Mom has the coffee ready when I arrive.


3 thoughts on “Planning”

  1. t-day all nighter

    **update on the turkey adventure** i’ve uncovered crucial information on how to *brine* a turkey — who knew you had to do that? now i get what mike was talking about with his uber-geeky MS Project chart illustrating that he’ll…

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