Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Team,
Yes, I know I’ve been slacking.  The good news is, here’s another post. First of all, I rule in Quake 3.  Here’s another sweet victory for your enjoyment.

I dodged the dog owner bullet.  My wife & daughters saw a stray dog in the street and put him in the backyard for ‘safety’ reasons.  I was pressed to go buy dog food, but I refused. The easiest way
to end up with a dog is to feed it.  The girls had already named the dog Daisy.  I was in danger of adopting the stupid little dog if I did nothing.  I made a big ‘We found a dog’ sign for the front yard. 
Early the next morning, a girl stopped by and said it was her friend’s dog, Chu Chu.  In a few short minutes the mother and daughter appeared to claim Chu Chu.  All was right with the world.

Chu Chu the minidog in my backyard

More later.  My arm hurts from too much Quake.
