Well I’m in beautiful Cincinnati this week. Visiting my in-laws and helping to watch the kids while Michele is at the Quilting show.
I went to a drug store today to pick up couch medicine for Mira. I spied a lovely box of DOTS there. A big 7 ounce box of DOTS. Picture coming soon as I get a chance to d/l the image off the Coolpix. Of course, you are asking the same question I did, “Is the flavor ratio the same as in the little boxes?”
Here’s the stats:
Cherry – 18
Lemon – 10
Lime – 5
Orange – 14
Strawberry – 10
Total – 57
A little different from the regular alphabetical order we’ve seen in the small boxes. Cherry still comes out way ahead, but what’s with there only being 5 limes in the whole box? I think a letter to DOTS will be in order soon.
Message to James & Ethan: Meteor Crater – Diamonds – Stuckeys
Supposedly on Monday my brother’s new site CrookDimwit.com goes live. Go and read. Mock him endlessly if it is suxx0r. Send him righteous cash through Paypal if it roxx0rs.