Doom 3 Torrents

There is no excuse for this.
id Software has been a great company, making great games and consistently releasing source code of their games once they are a few years old.
To see this many people stealing their software is wrong.
Do you really think the 50,000 people you see here are still going to go out and buy the game?


49 thoughts on “Doom 3 Torrents”

  1. I’m suprised that doom 3 didn’t show up on the torrents this past weekend or earlier.
    BTW: What torrent tracker do you use Mike?

  2. I think your wrong to think that these people who are downloading the torrent version are not going to go and buy the game off the shelf. I think what we are seeing here is the first wave of “gotta have it” mania. Those who get the torrent version and like it, I think, are likely to go and buy the retail version. I wish software makers would stick to more of a shareware or demo model where you can actually play a game before you go to the store and spend your hard earned dollars on it. That’s all 80% of these people want, the chance to test drive w/o any commitment. Sure, there is a percentage that actually have no intention of ever paying for the game in the first place but those people are factored into software development budgets. Such is life.

  3. id has released demos of every one of their products. There will be an offical demo out soon.
    Most all games have demos available these days, go check fileplant.
    With Doom ]|[ being mainly a single player game, I find it hard to believe that people will download the warez, play it for a few days, possibly complete it, and then go out and buy it.
    It’s not like the strange world of TV & movies where the companies simply don’t make content available at any price if you want it at home.
    You can go buy Doom today. Yet people are choosing to grab the warez instead.

  4. I’ve done that with some CDs, from time to time. The cheapest place to buy them is usually online somewhere, so I order it and download it until I get it.
    I don’t really see a problem with doing that, though I do doubt that most people downloading Doom 3 from a torrent are doing that. Some of them probably are, though.

  5. There is only one reason why any of those 50k people would buy the game. If Doom 3 has a multiplayer online component, and there’s a server based key authorization system these people will convert over to the retail sku.
    Compliance comes with the lack of alternatives.

  6. I know friends that have downloaded it with the full intention of buying it, the problem right now is that they can’t get it. The only people retailers are selling the games to is people that preordered. My friends just can’t get a legit copy of it right now. I think this has more to do with market scarcity than it does with people wanting to steal the game.
    Although I will admit, there are a lot of those people who will never buy it, and they wouldn’t even if they could get a copy.

  7. I got it on Monday, and while the graphics are exceptional…it’s still just a shooter and a pretty simple one at that. I’m still waiting for the game to “wow” me outside of the graphics.

  8. The graphics are WOW. The story is light years beyond anything that id has ever attempted. That said, it’s a derivative Half Life plot so far. This is hardly a bad thing, but it’s just not an original thing.
    I do hope that the scenery changes soon. The dark hallways are getting repetitive.
    My blog (
    has a few screen shots and I’ll be adding more as I go along. The PDA is very nice. I want one in real life.

  9. I’d like to add that the gaming community has vastly changed over the years. Some gamers today are pushing 40 while a large majority are, like me, in their 20’s with jobs and independent salaries all over the world. So I will download doom 3 as I can’t get it from where I live but I’ll go and buy the original also, here’s why:
    I personally am getting Doom 3 not for it’s story but for the potential in future mod releases. I feel this is one of the few games around on all gaming systems that has a completely new level of game presentation while allowing you to mod it. Doom 3 is more exciting as an opportunity for gamers who’ve dreamed of making a game than it is as a game in itself. I can justify paying the inflated $70 price for the original Doom 3 in my country that way

  10. Hello,
    I,m downloading with one of the torrents atm. I´m from Germany and over here the Game isn´t official released so iam grabbing the torrent, at first. But i will buy this Game as soon as it is released over here, this Game is simply a must have, so stop ur paranoid thinking it IS sure that this Game will be a bestseller. Activision and Id already knows 😛
    Stay calm
    Sincerly, Ukyo

  11. I highly doubt that almost any of those people downloading doom 3 will actually buy it because its based on single player and there is already an online crack for the game…

  12. Forgot to menion, but downloading this (any) game via p2p / torrent is a very good way for you to get caught and served with a law suit. Keep your warez on irc and dont serve!
    Those using p2p I hope you are smart enough to
    disable file sharing…

  13. Michael, you’ve just guaranteed a boost to your site’s traffic of an extra 40-50 page views a day.
    For ever.
    Three of the biggest referrerals to my blog are google searches from people looking for “Zippo Tricks”, “Kelly Clarkson’s Fat Butt”, and Apple DRM.
    Now that you’re forever enshrined on the search engines as “Bit-Torrent Doom 3 guy”, you’ll get your own stream of wAr3Z kiddies. Enjoy!

  14. Yeah yeah
    I’ve download doom 3 and i did it becuz the game is to expensive here in Holland it costs like E60,00 and that’s to much i think i would buy the game if it were in stores for like E35,00/E45,00 that’s a resonable price i think.
    And buying it online is bad cuz most of the time they give you the wrong thing…like a guy i know bought a cellphone online and when it was delivered to him he got like E200,00 worth of potatoes that’s dumb you know but to make it short yes downloading doom 3 isn’t that bad if you look at the price of the game or the money you pay for cable or adsl i go for the second choice cuz it’s more cheapier and instead of one game you can download like 20 games for the same price you buy doom 3 for

  15. Do you really think the 50,000 people you see here were definitly going to buy the game if they couldn’t download it?

  16. This game is simply impossible to buy at the moment. I went to and called several stores, and they had sold out the first day they had it…fair enough. But then as soon as the next shipment came in, I called again and it was sold out yet again everywhere I called. That’s why people are downloading it. Also, many people do download the game thinking that they’ll also buy it. They think that they’ll buy it but around the time they find the soulcube, they think…I’ve gone so far, why buy it? and then they end up not buying it. It is a shame that so many people are downloading it without the intentions of purchasing it and then even more people end up not buying it just because they’ve gotten so far on the cracked version and there’s no point to paying for a game you’ve already played.

  17. So kind of you. Please do support the developers while I don’t.
    Carmack will certainly die if deprived of the next Ferrari he wants to buy.
    Please everybody email me the doom iii thing LOL
    I mean the marketing is unbelivable so I’m sure crowds of people will pay insane prices and convince themselves that the game is great while it is likely not.

  18. I personally download the gaame for free beat it and then if I liked go buy it so I can play the multiplayer mode online. I’m not a fan of dropping nearly $60 for a something lame.

  19. atfu, i stole the game and its all good, and still will go out and buy it, so i can go online, cause i cant find any cracks for it 🙂

  20. find a friend that works in a game shop -> get him to get some cd-keys -> play online! -> don’t feel guilty for the poor fella that buys a copy without a cd-key

  21. The torrent version is from ID software and i will tell you why. This is one of the best FREE publicity you can get on the internet… People talk so much about it that everyone will eventually buy it. That’s a matter of fact and beleive me… John Carmack is smart and know better than you how’s INTERNET works.
    I have downloaded the torrent version (3 ISO files) Now, i’m waiting the retail version cause i want my legal cd key. I will buy it too cause i REALLY think John Carmack deserve this money. He’s the best of all and the only one like that. People should buy this game 200$ just because he’s the best programer on earth.
    EVERY Quake 3 fan will buy the game… Every friend of Q3FAN will buy it too and every children of Quake fan will buy it in 5 years… that’s a FACT and John know it. He’s already rich and will become even more rich in the next few years 😀 Do you really think he’s going to complain about it… Not really cause after all, it’s a good thing for him…
    someone told me a days…. Speak good or bad about someone… the important is that you speak about him/her.

  22. Doom 3 took four years and cost 14 millions dollars to make. 60 Euros is not too much to ask for it. As for Carmack beeing “already” rich ? How many John Carmack are there ? He deserves it and all the people who slaved on this code for 4 years deserve that we buy this game IF WE WANT TO. If you can’t afford it then don’t “steal” it.

  23. I agree with you, but my point is that John Carmack don’t really need this money but he really deserve it. Some will download it and some will wait to buy it… but in my opinion, it’s better to try a game even if you know it’s going to be the best game with the best engine of all time. If you like it… BUY IT, if you don’t like it, fine, you just save some money. Money is more important for people like you and me than people like John Carmack. I will buy it for sure cause i already have Doom, Doom II, Quake 1-2-3 and i really like ID software and there product… they are probably the best team on earth.
    Anyway, if your that rich and like to buy game before giving a try, why don’t you start your own anti-crack company and lose lot of time trying to stop something that can’t be stop.
    Remember that… If you can’t beat someone, make sure is on your sight.

  24. ne1 wanna tell me how to work this BT version cause i really wanna test it before i buy it and it’s got so many files….

  25. You do know that the tracker was not operating correctly on that particular website that day, right? Check back in on the same website and I guarantee that you will fall short of 10,000 total downloads of doom 3 in total…including legit patches, etc. I love how people against warez like to take every little bite out of the community they can, even when that bite is stronger than deserved… I downloaded it, and I like it pretty damn good so far… I will buy it within the week. There goes 2 of your stances against the warez community. Satisfied? I doubt. Just to inform you, over 20 of my friends who have also downloaded are also going to be buying it soon… it’s just a waste to buy what everyone else SAYS its great, and then discover that you hate it. Still hate me / my friends? then you are hopeless.

  26. Ok i downloaded it and it came with a keygenerator folder a doom3 folder and manual folder. I opened up the doom3 3 folder and it has cd1 cd2 and cd3 but when i go in them its a bunch of simular files and 3 .rar files. Ne1 wanna help?

  27. T3knical5urg3, You will need to put each cd’s in
    a disk. Burn it as a cd-image.
    I for one deteste Doom 3 but I can get a copy for 3$ (full ver. Cd untouched. you gethe picture). Should I buy it?

  28. I have a pirated version and its not the best game i’ve played but the online part looks good but i cant use it for lack of CDkey so i will buy it. Shutup about people who d/l warez like me you would if you knew how, some of us need to earn money not risk spending it on a bad game.

  29. WTF are you people Babbling about .. just download the fuckin game and enjoy it …
    you jokers make me laugh .. you can get
    the game for free but your still willin
    to pay for it… yea .. lol (think about it)..
    you think this carmack gives a fuck..
    i dont….
    i chose not to pay …

  30. To say that these guys won’t buy the game is not true at all – ‘someone I know’ *ahem* downloaded the game and played for a few hours, before jumping on to purchase – it’s a superb try-before-you-buy tool – the fact that the copy couldn’t be played on mainstream servers or p2p easily was also enough incentive to part with the cash.
    Plus the fact a lot of these people *are* going to buy it, they just want it ‘right now’ – I guess it’s the same as those fat people you see in supermarkets who can’t wait to start eating the packet of biscuits in their trolley, granted they haven’t paid for them yet – but they *are* going to pay for them at checkout, so what’s the big deal?! Granted some people might not purchase the game but why tar everyone with the same brush?

  31. WTF are you people Babbling about .. just download the fuckin game and enjoy it …
    you jokers make me laugh .. you can get
    the game for free but your still willin
    to pay for it… yea .. lol (think about it)..
    you think this carmack gives a fuck..
    i dont….
    i chose not to pay …

  32. Here in brazil it is too expensive, R$100,00…
    when it goes down like R$80 & R$70 and good MODS like DooM3 —> Hell on Earth etc to play on-line I’ ll buy it.

  33. jeez….is there any crack to play online?…with no crack i only can create a server for the other players to enter..nothin more…crap!

  34. OK, I don’t know who will read this but maybe it’s worth reading….. you decide. I have downloaded doom3. I feel no regrets but then again, why should I? I can pretty much garantee that every person who has objectected to this game being downloaded is on either some form of p2p to get music, films or applications. The system has been created and now the world has discovered the potential. I am in a band and (god forbid) we ever get famous, I would have to bow my head and accept that my music is going to be available to anyone and everyone for free. To argue that p2p destroys revenue for companies is true….. thats why commodor went bust- too many copied games and not enough sales. However, the ability to copy music, programs, movies etc, has been around for much longer than the technology behind p2p downloading technology has. They say you are statisticly only 11 people away from knowing everybody in the world. If that is the case, then how easy would it have been in, say, 1985 to say to a friend “do you know anyone who could tape me a copy of the Thriller album?”. See? The only problem with todays society is that there is more on offer, therefore a broader range of people are interested in what the internet has to offer. The situation is as follows: I have no money but I like to play games. There is an avenue open to me that allows me to play games for no money. I am restricted by my human morals not to kill, not to rape, not to be racist, sexist, ageist, dissablist, not to commit acts of any such evil. These morals, given to 95% of us all, for me, unfortunately (for the game developers) do not stretch to piracy. Piracy has been around for a long time. There will have to be another way that these people make their money because although I believe that all people should be treated as equal and no-one should have any social advantages over another, I also believe that we live in a world of hypocracy and double standards. Until this is not the case, I shall buy, download, borrow from friends and copy music, games, programs and movies. I will have no sense of guilt but I will appreciate them no less.

  35. Many arguments can be made against the freedom of speech.
    You are free to promote Copyright as a pseudoreligious phenomenon and then argue that all people should pay homage to it, and that illegal bits should be censored.
    However, you should not be surprised when others disagree with you.
    Yes, some of us think copying information is ethically acceptable. Welcome to the 21st century.

  36. just take ur righteous bitchin about torrents and downlods period. They ussually get there money and make way more than most of us “normal”people.

  37. One truth about all of this. Dont bitch because you cant change it. We are on the brink of self destruction as a society anyway. So just enjoy it until we kill ourselves.

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