You’ve seen the commercials and you’ve asked yourself, “Does it work?” The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser appears to remove to marks from walls buy simply rubbing on them.
To a parent with small, messy children in the house, this appears to good to be true.
Yesterday I was at the supermarket, tasked with buying dishwasher detergent and was scanning the cleaning chemicals section when I spied the package on the shelf. I picked up the box and examined it. It felt light as if there was nothing inside. Could this little sponge truly remove years of crayons, markers, fingerprints, and other child residue from the house?
For $2.50 I decided to give it a test in tradtional Cruft fashion.
I’m thinking there’s no way this thing works.
I mean really, can I trust Mr. Clean? The dude looks like a skinhead…
This is the eraser. It feels light and airy. Much lighter than a normal sponge.
The instructions explain to wet the Magic Eraser, wring out extra water, and start erasing.
Here is a typical set of fingerprint in our house on a doorway.
Usually to get this off requires a mixture of some stinky chemicals, buckets, rags, etc.
Holy truth-in-advertising Batman! The Magic Eraser cleaned it one wipe!
I’m not kidding, I just wiped it on the doorway and the stuff came right off.
In fact there was no mark in the area that the eraser couldn’t remove.
Next I had to try it on something truly tough.
This hallway mark is the result of some bash lately that has resisted the usual chemicals.
I wasn’t sure if it was crayon, paint or something else.
I had to apply a bit more pressure, but the mark came completely off.
In the same area, it took off pencil and marker spots easily.
Again, there was no mark that the Magic Eraser could not remove.
At this point, Michele walked over to see what I was doing (Mainly ’cause I kept saying “Holy Crap!” over and over.) and give it a test.
She was skeptical at first but soon was roaming the house happily with the Magic Eraser saying “Holy Crap!” herself in amazement that nothing could resist the awesome power of the Magic Eraser.
This is what a Magic Eraser looks like after light use.
It disintegrates quite fast in use.
It doesn’t leave much mess, but there can be drops of whitish looking fluid on the floor near where you use it. The stuff wipes up easily.
Overall, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser more than lives up to the claims. It is an outstanding product that works exceedingly well.
The only drawback is that the Magic Eraser wears out very quickly. As soon as you start using it, it starts beaking down. The more pressure you apply, the faster it breaks down. Perhaps that’s part of how it works, but once you start using it, you’ll wish you had bought more.
Michele has told me to “Go buy all they have!” so she can begin a fullscale assault on the surfaces of the house. I mention that supposedly it works on bathroom tile to remove scum and scale and she got a dreamy look in her face.
Just be careful not to put too much pressure when you’re rubbing or you’ll rub the paint off the wall. Overall it has worked great for me though.
Bathroom scum?
Keep me posted.
Any relationship between this story and the fact that you have a kid-party over the weekend? Just curious.
holy truth in advertising!…
Great product – for the canadians out there they’re giving away free samples on the Mr Clean website…
Ask Mefi has more, including a tip to avoid using it on glass or mirrors at all costs.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser seems to work
If this is not a cool name for something that cleans, I don’t know what is. And it does seem to work. And on top of that, this is better marketing than an ad campaign! 😉 Check it out: Mr.
Mr. Clean’s first name is “Veritably”
When you have kids, you get excited about Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
I suppose jewel thiefs might also like its fingerprint cleaning power…
Ok wha’sup with the little pony?
Just got the next generation at! IT works great on outdoor white plastic furniture! looks new again.
whats in this stuff ?
“Holy crap!” is only the half of it!! That little rectangle from heaven removed scuff marks from my daughter’s new shoes, crayon that had been on my kitchen wallpaper for seven years, and a rust stain from my kitchen counter that had resisted bleach, baking soda, 409, and ammonia!
Try Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on your car’s interior and your kids shoes. It works so great.
Will Blogs One Day Replace Consumer Reports?
If this guy has anything to do with it, then yes! (Via Gary Stein)
In un certo senso lo faceva pure Massaia (segue nostalgico saluto).
I work in a hotel in Omaha Ne. I have had to deal with the greesiest dirt there is. I set my self loose on a job that would have ussually taken me hours. I was unbelivably done in less than an hour. The scuff marks are virtually erased in seconds. I took marks off wallpaper that I thought would never come off. We will now have Mr.Clean in all our cleaning caddies.
I was a skeptic, but it got off grime on my car armrests that had resisted removal for years. Couple of wipes and it was gone. Cleaned the leather seats. Works great on those fine textures on microwave control pads as well. Looks like new.
I used them on the fridge doo handles that never come clean and they look brand new again.I love them I use them all over the house.What is in them that cleans so well,it doesn’t say on the box?
I used them on the fridge doo handles that never come clean and they look brand new again.I love them I use them all over the house.What is in them that cleans so well,it doesn’t say on the box?
My wife swears by this product.
This thing is awesome!!! I bought one package of two “erasers” at the store today, figuring well it is worth a try for only $1.98. I wish I had bought more…my house looks about like the pictures above. I could clean the whole house in just a couple of hours. I was disappointed that they break down so quickly, but once the layers of grime is gone I think they will last longer when just using as touch up. THEY WORK GREAT!!! I tried it on colored/drawn on walls, doors, stove, fridge…everything looks new now!!!! GREAT BUY!!!
I guess the cat’s out of the bag. Magic Eraser is perhaps THE SINGLE GREATEST cleaning product EVER invented since WATER ITSELF!
I have found ingenious things to use it on which will AMAZE YOU!!! email me directly, if ‘ya REALLY want to know how to make this thing do tricks.
We have a clasic car with a white convertable top. I noticed some marks on it but did not want to damage or discolor it so I used the Magic eraser.It was amazing, hardly any rubbing and it was gone.
I look for things to use the eraser on and I have not been dissapointed yet
I tell everyone about it and am even thinking about giving it for a gift to my friends who have notused it.
I clean apartments for a living and you come across some tough stains. These sponges allowed be to clean a tub, where the bottom was black in less than 15 minutes. I use to have to use comment and a scrub brush several times just to get the same effect, it would have taken be 45 minutes the old way. My sister cleans for a living and she swears by them. She made a believer out of me. I will always have these babies in my cleaning supplies.
About using them on glass and mirrors, if you use them dry they will remove the hazy film that develops on glass, especially in the car. They also work great on removing streaks that you just can’t seem to get out. You don’t have to rub hard, and they don’t start breaking down from. It’s a great way to freshen up the glass without dragging out the cleaner. Just make sure it is dry.
Has anyone ever tried using this little wonder sponge on soap scummed shower doors? Please let me know.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, review by Cruft, appears to remove to marks from walls buy simply rubbing on them….
Yea i used it on my shoes now i willl rule the world
There is nothing it won’t remove, I loved it. I used it one Saturday afternoon. It looked like I had freshly painted my walls………until….the next day, everywhere I had used it, there was a “grease like spot” I have tried everything! Help! My walls are ruined! Please! If someone has a suggestion! I am looking at $3000.00 to repaint my walls! My house is only a year old, the walls were only painted a year ago! I am desperate for an answer!Thanks in advance for any help!
when are you going to export it to Australia, we need something as good as that here
I have never heard my teenage daughters ask me “Can I help you clean too?” until I used it for the first time on my kitchen floor. My husband got up from his chair to see what all the fuss was about. It’s the truth that you go around your house looking for things to use the erasers on. I’m going back to Wal-Mart and buying as many as I can before everyone else finds out about them!
I have used these to clean up vinyl dolls and my herd of My Little Ponies. Vinyl dolls sometimes get a gray film on them and some unexplained ink marks. The sponge removed 99% of all the dirt and stains. My ponies had such an icky film on them I was ashamed to display them. I used my sponge to clean them and they look good as new. The fact that there is no fumes makes these sponges a joy to clean with.
Yes the product works but only for 1 time use.
It should not break down in big pieces. it is to expensive to throw a way for 1 time only. Make a product that works and will not crumble up in pieces.
there is a new similar product in Australia under the Chux brand. More information can be found at
I was sceptic as well when i saw the ad here down under… but I was surprised when it took off almost everythigng!
OMG! I just disscovered how amazing this product is! I have been cleaning real estate for more then 5 years professionally and have spent a fortune on chemicals that cant even begin to do what the magic eraser does. I tried it in the worst of bath tubs and YAY it was amazing. At home I tried it everywhere to include the glass shower door. The same door I gave up hope on a long time ago. You would not believe how much better it looked…you can actually see through the door now!!! Highly recommended!!
Be very careful on painted surfaces!!!! We own apt. buildings and I wouldn’t be without it, the bottom of a scratched up tub comes out shining clean, and an old vinyl floor comes clean, even cleans sinks, oh gosh what a miracle, wish they would just bottle the fluid thats in them.
It works but the Duo 2 in 1 sponge fell apart after one light rub against a sheetrock wall. I found Walmart’s store brand actuall performs and holds together much better. P.S. I don’t work for Walmart and I don’t own their stock.
The Magic Eraser is the best thing ever. I really want to know what in the world they put in that thing!!
I can’t believe this product, I worry though, for it to be so “magical” and clean so fast..what can this be putting into our systems via our hands, etc.? I’m wondering if we’ll be reading something up the road….hate to be negative.
I’m still going to use them until that time.
Foolish me..maybe.
Attention: People Talk About Cleaning Products
Check out this blog: moo: I’ve had several people recommend these… Moo takes a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for a spin, loves it, and learns online that she can use shampoo with the Eraser to clean better. A nice, authentic…
Attention: People Talk About Cleaning Products
Check out this blog: moo: I’ve had several people recommend these… Moo takes a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for a spin, loves it, and learns online that she can use shampoo with the Eraser to clean better. A nice, authentic…