Crawfish 2004

Yesterday was the Annual Crawfish Party at Len & Monique’s house. In addition to cooking and eating somewhere around 200 pounds of crawfish, it was Kate Perruzi’s 4th birthday too.

You can see all the photos in the Crawfish 2004 Gallery


8 thoughts on “Crawfish 2004”

  1. damn! 200 pounds!! Nicely done, my friend, nicely done. You know it really is a shame that ya’ll had a crawfish boil before I did, and I live in freakin’ Louisiana!
    Is it hard to get crawfish in that quantity out in Cali? How much do they run ya out there?

  2. That looks like a postcard from New Orleans. I am impressed I had no idea that Cali got together for Crawfish!
    So how serious are you guys….does anyone suck the heads? That is the truly the nastiest thing performed at a crawfish boil.
    How expensive are they?
    We are just gearing up to go crabbing out at the Lakefront.
    I hope you got my e-mail, I look forward to your response.

  3. Wow! Looks like a great time. Have to try that at our next party up at the lake. Being from the Northeast we usually go with the larger crawdad variety (ie. lobst-ahs!) 🙂

  4. [[ Yesterday was the Annual Crawfish Party at Len & Monique’s house ]]
    Correction: It was “Crawfish Invasion 2004: Hard-boiled Tails (sic) of Conspicuous Consumption”.
    And FYI, the mudbugs are flown in live from La. to L.A. I get them from

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