Caddieclip, for the golfer who needs nothing

A college fraternity brother put his mechanical engineer skills to work and invented the Caddieclip. I bought a set and he sent me a bunch to test out. The Caddieclip is for golfers that like cigars or want to avoid putting their clubs on the ground.

Of course, I had to put the Caddieclip through Cruft Labs testing.

They come in five different colors. The purple one is a special version for charity.

Here is the putter suspended over the grass. For those that don’t play golf, often early morning games find the fairways and greens wet and it can get the grips all wet when you walk up with a wedge and a putter.

Sure enough, the Caddieclip keeps the club up out of the grass.

Next, I lit up a cigar and gave that a test as well. I enjoy a cigar on the links now and again, and having a place to put your cigar is a real problem. Once again, thanks to American ingenuity, the problem is solved.

I found that rather than taking the cigar in and out, I simply could smoke by using the Caddieclip as a holder. Functional and stylish.


    3 thoughts on “Caddieclip, for the golfer who needs nothing”

    1. Once upon a time I’d have been interested but I quit smoking and I don’t have time for golf except on vacations (and those places actually have caddies).
      Cool invention though, it looks like what a fraternity house might bring forth….

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