Of the many possible meaning of the acronym ftw, when I use it here on Cruft, ftw means For The Win.
Too make it simpler to understand, ftw can be thought to say ‘is very good’. As an example, I may write, “Firefox ftw”, you can take it to mean “Firefox is very good”.
Clear? Several of you have IMed me about this and I feel compelled to explain it to all Loyal Cruft Readers.
For your homework, go learn what omgwtfbbq means.
For extra credit, please use !!1!one correctly in a sentence.


7 thoughts on “FTW”

  1. mmmm well I dont think u want the usual abreviation for OMGWTFBBQ, so maybe u meant to say … “One Man goes winner, this fight better be quick” ?

  2. ZOMG! What kind of nub wouldn’t know what “ftw” means?!?!11oneone
    QFT btw.

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