Make Magazine

I keep hearing about Make Magazine over and over. I get emails about it, see posts about it. There are even pictures of it.
Well, I subscribed to it and they charged my debit card, months ago.
Where the hell is the damn magazine? If they want us geeks to like it, they better send it the hell out. I’m about ready to remove myself from the whole hoopla if it doesn’t materialize soon.
The magazine looks great, but if your readers don’t have it, you will fail.


3 thoughts on “Make Magazine”

  1. I’ve been back-and-forth about subscribing a dozen times, but I’d like to get an issue before I pony-up. Is it availible on newsstands/bookstores or is it a subscription only deal?

  2. Did you subscribe via (as I did)?
    I notice when I subscribe this way it sometimes takes up to 8 weeks for a subscription to start.
    Why that is, I don’t know — I do it mostly because it’s convenient, and because a few times when I subscribed on magazine sites, I never got my subscription and it was harder to figure out who to complain to…with Amazon, if I don’t get what I ordered they’re pretty good about giving me my money back.

  3. Mine arrived Monday. I subscribed via a snail mail offer that I got directly from them. The check that I sent them cleared on 02.03.2005.
    It’s pretty cool although I’ve already seen a lot of things in it online. I guess that’s what happens when you read BoingBoing and almost everyone from that site contributes to the magazine.

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