Several weeks about, I was watching the Daily Show and on the screen came Curt “The BeerNeck Guy” Silbert talking about his new invention, the BeerNeck.
The BeerNeck is of course, irresistable to me. I am always setting my beer down and forgetting where I put it. I needed the Ultimate Drinking Tool.
I ordered the BeerNeck and forgot about it. Several weeks later, when I was out of town, the BeerNeck arrived in the mail. The same day, Curt Silbert, Chief of, actually called my home to make sure the package had arrived. Michele took the call and said, “He was very, very enthusiastic.” Now that’s what I call customer service.

Here is the BeerNeck. Note the neoprene case is for insulation.

The cap has an embedded opener for opening the bottle. Ingenious!

The bottle fit in perfectly and it was easy to zip up.

The cap then fits on top of the bottle to prevent spillage while I walked around.

The elastic lanyard is soft and the beer felt comfortable hanging there.
I did a few normal tasks around the house like cooking, taking out the trash, and sitting at the computer.
The BeerNeck never got in the way.

With a quick flip of my thumb to open the top, I was able to partake of cold, tasty beer.
The BeerNeck gets two thumbs up from me. At $10-$12 depending on style, it’s worth the money. The style points alone you’ll receive at your next BBQ are worth the price.
That is one of the dorkiest things I’ve ever seen.
Just what I wanted to see! :-/
I literally laughed out loud at these pictures. Now you’ll know where your beer is!
That is the manliest thing I have ever seen.
whoa !
Goodbye foam-dome! Hello beerneck!!!!
This generation’s “Soap on a Rope”. I love it… 🙂
Could we get these for the office. I am always misplacing my beers in the server room?
only you would think that kind of thing would earn you style points. get your own hand-carved chili spoon, and i will anoint you homer simpson.
Between this and my new Homer Simpson bottle opener I’m set. (bottle opener says “To alcohol. The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems” when you open a beer).