
China has launched Yang Liwei into orbit.

I am quite ecstatic that China has entered the Manned Space Flight club. I can only hope that it spurs America back into space exploration with some momentum.
A great day for the Earth. Safe travels and godspeed, Yang Liwei!


    3 thoughts on “Hoo-ray!”

    1. I don’t see a point in funding Nasa when we have 44 million americans with no access to heath care. We have record underfunding of public education and people still go hungry. I don’t see how we can justify putting some one in orbit or going to mars

    2. In Jake’s utopia, scientific exploration should end until all the world’s social issues are resolved.
      Thankfully the world sees this philosophy for the dead end that it is.

    3. I agree with you and BillB. We have to continue to explore what is unknown. That doesn’t mean that we can’t still do the other work that needs to be done.
      Space exploration creats jobs, increases knowledge on many fronts, and is good for the economy. There are a lot of us and together we can do much.

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