
I’ve been playing with Trepia a bit. The Trepia software is used as an imprompto instant messaging system based on people near your real physical location.
The Trepia software works with wifi to send out a signal that other Trepia users can pick up. If two Trepia users are near each other, a message will pop up telling them that someone is close by. They can then exchange IMs back and forth. I think it will be fun to try this at a larger geek gathering where there are several wifi users willing to play around.
There’s only a Windows client at this time. I asked where the Mac & linux clients were and the CEO told me they were coming in the future once the Windows version takes off.
Cool stuff if you ask me.


    6 thoughts on “Trepia”

    1. There is a bit of creepiness to that, though.
      Knowing that some stalkers begin their routine online (in chat rooms or via IMs) the knowledge that they can limit their pool of prey to people close to them geographically is a bit disturbing to me.
      … That’s the “father of 3 small kids” in me talking; not the left-wing-cartoonist. 🙂

    2. This sounds kinda like Rendezvous via iChat on the Mac, it lists other Rendezvous enabled users on your local network.
      I played with it a few times, but only talked to like one person in the few times I played with it and had other people around.
      Trepia sounds much more promising, considering it expans beyond the network of the access point you are using, and the chances of having someone else around with a PC with Trepia seems much more likely than someone who has a Mac, uses iChat, enables Rendezvous.
      Can’t wait for the Mac version.

    3. “ANY INFORMATION OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED OR SENT TO TREPIA, INC., WILL BE DEEMED NOT TO BE CONFIDENTIAL OR SECRET. By submitting or entering information into the Trepia Application or the Trepia Website, or into the Trepia Service you (1) warrant that you have no rights of any kind to the Material; that to the best of your knowledge no other party has any rights to the Material; (2) grant Trepia, Inc. an unrestricted, perpetual, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute the Material in all media, and you further agree that Trepia, Inc. is free to use any ideas, know-how, concepts, techniques or other materials you send us for any purpose.”

    4. Shame it’s location finding algoritm seems to be based on you actually telling it where you are.. (in the new version out yesterday)
      Not particularly clever really..
      On the plus side the developers do seem to talk to the users, so maybe it won’t be difficult to get features added in if they listen.

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