I’m off to Vegas for Comdex in 20 minutes.
It’s WiFi, Tablet PCs, and strange Japanese accesories for me until Tuesday.
See ya…
Yes, I did pack the cantenna into my luggage! I’ll wardrive the casinos!
To keep you in suspense, here’s the latest part I acquired to use in my wardriving fun. Michele thnks I’ve gone off the deep end.
4 thoughts on “Vegas Baby!”
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I didn’t think that those type of dished were usable in the 2.4gHz (802.11b) range of frequencies. I do know that the mesh type parabolic dishes work however. Maybe you’ve read something which I haven’t. Let me know how it works.
Is it me or does that dish look like it has an ere… never mind!
Smug piece of technology, showing off like th…never mind!
I REALLY need to go fix dinner….:-)
Is that an LNB Support Arm or are you happy to see me?
i cant wait to see Mikey driving around town with that “thing” hanging out the window.