Vegas Baby!

I’m off to Vegas for Comdex in 20 minutes.
It’s WiFi, Tablet PCs, and strange Japanese accesories for me until Tuesday.
See ya…
Yes, I did pack the cantenna into my luggage! I’ll wardrive the casinos!
To keep you in suspense, here’s the latest part I acquired to use in my wardriving fun. Michele thnks I’ve gone off the deep end.


4 thoughts on “Vegas Baby!”

  1. I didn’t think that those type of dished were usable in the 2.4gHz (802.11b) range of frequencies. I do know that the mesh type parabolic dishes work however. Maybe you’ve read something which I haven’t. Let me know how it works.

  2. Is it me or does that dish look like it has an ere… never mind!
    Smug piece of technology, showing off like th…never mind!
    I REALLY need to go fix dinner….:-)

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