I have broken the great conspiracy!
After visiting the fifth store of the day looking for Diet Vanilla COke, I finally found it at Ralph’s hidden behind the Diet Coke w/ Lemon.
Is it all I hoped it would be? Yes.
The kids are asleep in bed. Time for me to go play BF1942. Later…
4 thoughts on “Success”
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Is that a “university of South Pasadena” t-shirt? First of all, I’d like to say that a town whose city limits are all of three square miles does not have room for a university, and secondly, “DUDE, I totally grew up there!”
I used to live on Hope Street, just off Mission, and then years later, on Magnolia off Fremont (i think). holy jeebus. I’m gonna go have a flashback now.
the vanilla diet coke is ok…
the diet coke with lemon is awful, but strangely addictive. it’s only good in the 20 oz. plastic bottle, othewise it’s not as good.
i hate vanilla, but those damn diet coke people put some kind of drug in it, just like they do with any other diet coke product (except caffeine free diet coke which is just awful)
Mmmm BF1942… Just winging it or do you play with an organized group? It’s a totally different game when you get 12 folks tightly organized and compete on the “TWL” ladder.
Oh, good, ya found it!
I was gettin’ worried there for a while. 🙂