March 17, 2009
What I've been up to at SxSW

Besides trying to get Foursquare badges and going to sessions, I've been having fun in Austin.


I got involved to 'act' in a live reenactment of the run on the Death Star in Star wars via Twitter. That link should take you to the start and allow you to read forwards (Newer) to see how it played out.

Jay Bushman
organized the whole thing. He even built a wiki to show us actors what to do. Within an hour, the #sxstarwars tag went from nothing to the #3 trending search topic on Twitter Search. Seeing everyone join in was great fun! Here are some photos of us during the event.

Always Be Charging

I'm honored that the guys at SxSWBaby liked my phrase ABC - Always Be Charging and even built an site.

Causing Trouble

Those that know me, know I can get passionate about things. Here's me causing trouble in the LA Tech Scene discussion.

Hotel Room

And for the sake of tradition:

My Hotel Room in Austin, Texas from Michael Pusateri on Vimeo.
Posted by michael at March 17, 2009 06:58 AM