March 26, 2006
Which go in the fridge?

At work last week, Brad and I were discussing which items go in the fridge and which stay out. Brad wrote up a little about this but I'm taking it to the next step.

Here is a poll to survey you, the Loyal Cruft Readers, to see exactly which food items belong in the fridge and which don't. Assume for the sake of the poll that the containers have been opened.

The Poll
Which go in the fridge?

One of the things I remember when I moved in with Michele was her wacky idea that bread goes in the fridge. Her parents raised her that way for some reason. Seemed absolutely crazy to me. Then again, I grew up with peanut butter in the fridge at all times and Michele insisted it stay in the cupboard. We each had to give a little.

I'm sure you family has it's own 'rules'. Which of these seem crazy to common sense to you?

Here's a direct link to the results
Results: Which go in the fridge?

Posted by michael at March 26, 2006 11:24 PM