December 21, 2008
This Year's Christmas Tree

Yesterday, we put up our Christmas tree, during which I made a timelapse video.

Christmas Tree 2008 Timelapse from Michael Pusateri on Vimeo.
Posted by michael at 04:06 PM
December 06, 2008
666 Photo Meme

I was tagged earlier this week by Sean Bonner with the 666 Photo Meme. With this meme, you go to the sixth page of your Flickr stream, post the sixth photo, and choose six more people to be tagged.

Here is the requisite photo:

Middle Fork Idaho Rafting - May 2008

That is a photo of the rafting trip I took with friends in Idaho in May. I had a fantastic time and was blissfully disconnected from the outside world for four days.

I am tagging the following six people to continue the 666 Photo Meme: Little Kenny, Jason Toney, Octopushat, Squidly, Cyril, and Steve Lodefink.

Posted by michael at 08:43 AM
The end of Movember - Mustache Removal

Movember is over and the mustache is gone. Thanks to the help of everyone, we were able to raise $1,242 for Prostate Cancer Research. You can donate for a few more days if you want at my MoSpace.

Here is the final photo of the mustache before removal.

Michele and girls were eager for the mustache to be removed. Here is the video of Michele shaving the mustache off.

Movember Mustache Removal from Michael Pusateri on Vimeo.

Thanks again to everyone the contributed, participated and offered encouragement!

Posted by michael at 08:25 AM
December 05, 2008
Site Problems

The virtual private server I use to host this and other sites was hacked again. I'm still not sure how they are getting in, I assume its a vulnerability in some software I'm using.

Please pardon the dust while I do some work on the back end to move things around and do some long overdue upgrades.

Posted by michael at 07:08 AM