It's a rainy morning here at Cruft Manor. To bring you up to speed on the latest developments, here's a quick update.
We got a dog. Err, well I should say, while I was off at NAB in Las Vegas, Michele and the girls got a dog. Michele has the story and picture over on her site.
I was not 100% in favor of getting a dog at this time, but you I've learned not to fight the inevitable. The dog is very cute, but I was suprised to find that Michele saved a dog with no tail.
I don't know if the dog lost it's tail, is a strange no-tail mutant dog, or her breed of dog has no tail. I don't even know what kind of dog, young Piper is. All I know is that a dog without a tail is strange.
Next on the news front is Mira losing her teeth. Yes, at 6 years old, Mira has lost both of her bottom front teeth.
Even Michele had to admit, Mira is no longer a baby, she is indeed a big girl now.
On the household tech front, the old Whirlpool dishwasher slowly died. For several years, it has only worked in Heavy Wash cycle and no other way. We bit the bullet and with the advice of Papa Tony, we bought a Maytag washer with Jetclean® II and Quiet Series™ 300.
In the brief time the old dishwasher was removed, I snapped a picture of the empty space in the counter, revealing the layers of paint and age in our 56 year old house.
Lastly, the trailer for Serenity, the movie based on the show Firefly, is out. Check it out.
This is the computer in our kitchen. It is a hacked Virgin computer from the dot-boom era.
It's slowing dying and I plan to replace it. The computer is easy to build, but a simple 10" LCD monitor is tough to find.
15" LCDs are easy to find, but 10" LCDs are quite hard to find for a reasonable ( <$200 ) price.
Any suggestions?
What I see first thing Monday morning at my desk:
It's going to be a long week.
Update: People, that's the unread messages AFTER spam filtering.
A couple weeks ago, my good friend Len had his yearly Crawfish Boil. I've written about it in the past.
This year I brought my video camera and was able to record what really goes on.
I now present The Truth about Crawfish Boils (1 MB wmv).
This made me laugh this morning.
Loyal Cruft reader Ben told me about a great article on Dr. Pepper, the Lando Calrissian of sodas. Thanks Ben!
Alex, another Loyal Cruft reader, passes on a link about business jargon. Sadly, I hear this crap all day long...
Anonyblog is back after some password issues and my derelict stewardship of the site.
I was surprised at dinner last with Len & Monique that the upcoming XXX movie wasn't staring Vin Diesel. Ice Cube in the new XXX. I'm so there.
Lastly, in a bid to adopt a dog from a rescue group, my wife Michele aka Scarymommy, posted photos of our house on her weblog. You can see Cruft Manor in all it's glory. Of course, Mr. P, will have some issue with this...
And in World of Warcraft:
The blogging Meetup for Los Angeles is this Saturday night at the Farmer's Market at 7PM.
C'mon on out and drink with your fellow bloggers.
I'll bring a few of the limited edition Cruftbox openers to give away.
You know what's funny?
Getting new business cards a month ago, handing them out to many people, and being told today that the email address is wrong.
And not just wrong as in typo/misspelling, wrong in as another person's address all together.
Poor Mr. P has been getting my emails and having no idea why.
Today is a big day in the Pusateri household. Michele and I have discussed this quite a bit and come to the decision for me to leave the world of television and move into working full time on my real passion, Datafloss.
You gotta do what you love, and I love this new opportunity.
Some may say I'm crazy to give up the executive pay, first class travel, and a corner office, but they simple don't know the world-changing and paradigm-shifting power of Datafloss.
Life will be different for the family as we enter 'start-up mode' and I finish up the first round of financing that's been going on in the background for a couple months now.
Cruftbox will remain as my private voice on the net, but look for my new professional voice at Datafloss!