What's Cruftbox? Where's pusateri.org?
Don't Panic. Q: What's all this cruftbox.com business? I used to go to pusateri.org! WTF? A: Both sites are my sites. It's the same guy, Michael, behind the madness, just with a new address. I decided a while ago to move my weblog off of my pusateri.org web site for several reasons. First and foremost, I wanted a cool domain name. Cruft.com is taken. Second, I wanted a more versatile hosting company. Hopefully my experience with Page-Zone will remain good. I like having shell access and unlimited domains to play with. Third, I wanted to try a new weblog system. After pondering for long while, I chose Movable Type. So far it seems fantastic. Lastly, as my wonderful wife says to me regularly, "Change is good." |